- Select Grafsystem file to import. Already selected in case
is used in Grafsystem.
- Grafsystem file solution tree
- Menu to modify the creation and demolition phase of each piece of solution: Zone-Phase-Simulation-Condition
- Tree of items in the chosen simulations. If there were any in red, it would mean that the corresponding Revit family has not been loaded.
- Generate existing geometry in Grafsystem (with or without floor) into the Revit project.
- Path and name of the linked geometry file that will be created.
- Split. Separate the solutions of each simulation.
- Add value to the FILTER parameter.
- Solution Offset (meters) manual dimensions offset, displace the solution.
- Origin, which the selected solutions will be placed.
Import tool in the add-in opens a Grafsystem file and imports the solution or solutions into a Revit product application file. The tool will assign parameters to the Revit families used that are already available in Grafsystem or those the user determines in the import menu. These parameters will allow agile visualization management and obtaining of different lists of items.
Grafsystem-Revit import process:
Generate geometry and solution in Grafsystem (Zone/s-Product/s, Phase/s, Simulation/s) file.ulm
Export to Revit from Grafsytem
Create a Revit project
Display template levels and adjust their heights if necessary.
Check the number of phases required for the Project and create more if necessary
Execute Import and select the .ulm file from which the solutions will be import. In case has been used in Grafsystem, the file will already be selected.
Select the simulation/s to import in Project 2
By default, selecting a simulation assigns a coincident creation and demolition phase, which will be consecutive if there is more than one simulation selected.
The user can modify the creation phase and the demolition phase of each “Zone-Phase-Simulation-Condition_Grafsystem” selected. 3
Check Elements tree. 4 In case there is any code in red, load the missing family.
Generate Geometry yes/no 5 / 6 (all existing geometry in Grafsystem is generated in a linked Revit project). Import only geometry is also possible.
Split yes/no, 7 In case of loading coincident solutions, it is possible to separate them when importing them into Revit.
Select the level 9 and give the origin 11 where the import will be positioned in Revit
Once the project is created in Revit, by using filters and the tool Duplicate, different view options and material lists will be easily obtained.
2024-01 Available for CC-4, ORMA, ORMA_80, LGW, ENKOFLEX and RAPID with prop.