At the moment of the importation a window will appear:
- At the top is the location of the file that is going to be imported.
- On the left (Project):
- The solution tree of the imported project from Grafsystem. The tree can include:
- The zones in which the solution has been divided will appear here.
- The portion of the solution is defined by zone, phase and condition (portable, recoverable, consumable). A creation phase and a demolition phase can be associated to each portion. The order of the phase depends on the order in which the solution was selected.
- Menu to modify the creation and the demolition phase of each section.
- The solution tree of the imported project from Grafsystem. The tree can include:
- On the right (Elements):
- Tree of the existing articles in the selected simulations. If some elements would be in red, it means that that the corresponding family is not loaded in Revit.
There is a third column (Options) that will include:
- Generate geometry: Generate geometry, with or without floors, from the geometry coming from Grafsystem.
- Split Solutions: Generate different solutions in Revit, moved horizontally. Move the matching the solutions in the space for better visualisation.
- A FILTER parameter can be set for each import. This parameter is available in the families properties and can then be used in the project for filtering, scheduling, etc.
- Solution Offset: If the user wants to move the solution, the X Y Z of the offset can be used.
- Origin point: The origin point where the solution is located.
- If the user applies all the parameters that can be applied from the “Import from Grafsystem” window it will be easier than applying them after. Parameters such as Phase (creation and demolition) and FILTER.
- If a solution is repeated in different floors, the user can import the solution again and displace in height with the “Solution offset” part, adding the height in the Z parameter.